Buzan sect of shingon buddism



ShoumyouBuddhist Liturgical Chants

Jiunzan-ogi temple Komyoin is the oldest Buddist temple in Ogikubo. In this temple,Senju Kannon(the statue with "one thousand hands and one thousand eyes")is enshrined as the main object of worship. In708 a priest was travelling with the statue on his back. When he passed by this place,strangely enough he felt the statue becoming very heavy and couldn't walk any further.

He thought that the statue might have some relation to this place and decided to stay.He mowed the ogi(common reeds)thriving around this area and built a hut to enshrine the statue.The hut was named Ogi-do(Ogi-temple)and this district has been called Ogikubo since.

<Present head priest>
<Buddhist sect>
Buzan sect of shingon buddism
<Principal deity worshiped at the temple>
Senju Kannon(the statue of the "one thousand hands and one thousand eyes")
2-1-3 Kamiogi Suginami-ku Tokyo 167
<TEL> 03-3390-4647 <FAX> 03-3394-4588

E-MAIL :  fwjc7931@mb.infoweb.ne.jp

Information Map

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  How to Reach the Temple

By JR (Japan Railways)

Get out of the west exit to the north side at JR Ogikubo Station.

Walk along the railroad toward the JR Nishi-Ogikubo Station for about three minutes.

The temple stands beside the railroad.

By car

When coming from Takaido way along Loop 8 (Kanjo Hachigo-sen), pass the traffic signal in front of Tokyo Electric Power's Suginami Branch and then take the side road just before the JR Chuo Line. Turn left after driving up to the top of the slope and then turn right at the JR railroad underpass.

When coming from Shinjuku way along Ohme Kaido (Ohme Street), turn left about 50 meters after passing the traffic signal at the South of Wakasugi Elementary School and then turn left at the end of the road after crossing Loop 8 (Kanjo Hachigo-sen).

When coming from Tanashi way or Shinjuku way along Ohme Kaido (Ohme Street),turn to the south at the traffic signal of Haccho and turn left just before the JR railroad underpass.

For inquiries about the temple,
please feel free to contact us at the above address.